Psychotherapeutically Oriented Vibroacoustic Therapy for Functional Neurological Disorder: A Pilot Study
Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) affects a significant number of people worldwide. Previously referred to as conversion disorder, FND is a disorder of the communication between mind and body resulting in the experience of neurological symptoms incompatible with neurological or medical diagnoses. FND patients account for a notable portion of neurologists' patients, and yet these patients are still considered some of the most difficult to diagnose and treat. This pilot case study utilized a psychotherapeutically oriented approach to vibroacoustic therapy and active music therapy methodology in the therapy process of a patient diagnosed with FND. The treatment protocol used in this study highlights an interdisciplinary, multimodal, and diverse approach to referral and treatment for FND patients. Review of the qualitative data together with the quantitative outcomes of the study provided a comprehensive conceptualization of this case. Valuable perspectives were gained from this approach, and the clinical findings were well supported by the quantitative outcome measures.Riferimenti bibliografici
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