Effects of noise on anxiety related to dining in restaurants





Noise annoyance, indoor restaurants, anxiety, personality, auditory environments


The noise environment impacts wellbeing, and most research focuses on hearing, sleep, performance and cardiovascular health. Investigations of detrimental effects of noise on mental health show conflicting evidence in relation to depression, anxiety and chronic stress. Furthermore, studied about noise impacts on everyday activities such as restaurant dining are lacking. Our study investigates the relationship between noise exposure and anxiety in the indoor restaurant environment, exploring the predictive value of individual noise sensitivity, noise annoyance and personality factors on self-reported anxiety levels while dining in a restaurant. This mixed methods survey using validated measures with a random sample (n=274, >18 years), predicts high scores in noise sensitivity and noise annoyance corresponding with increased levels of anxiety, and anxiety levels in attending a restaurant predicted by Big Five Personality characteristics of Extraversion and Neuroticism. Regression analysis results show statistically significance for noise sensitivity and noise annoyance as strong predictors of self-reported anxiety. Neuroticism predicted anxiety, while Extraversion and Agreeableness did not uniquely predict of anxiety. Conscientiousness had a significant negative relationship with anxiety experienced in restaurant dining. Individual characteristics of personal experiences of restaurants diners are discussed, suggesting design and layout implications for restauranteurs in addressing noise effects in their establishments.



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