Music Therapy in the PICU: 0- to 6-Month-Old Babies
DOI :ésumé
This article describes a live-music therapy intervention on the heart rate, oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate of infants in a pediatric intensive care unit. The infants in this study were hospitalized in a large teaching hospital in Madrid, Spain, where they were born in high-risk circumstances. This study highlights the importance of considering musical elements in the infant-adult interaction, using live music as a semiotic mediator in this interaction. In a random sample of 100 interventions with 0- to 6-month-old infants, data for heart rate and oxygen saturation were collected during six different periods: before, during, and after an interaction with live music and before, during, and after an interaction without live music. The music sessions included a keyboard and guitar as the main sources of harmonic support.
arousal, emotion, music, stress, valence