Bodywork: Tuning the Instrument of the Soul
DOI :ésumé
Instrumental musicians are among groups of professionals at high risk for overuse injuries, including pain, fatigue, loss of range of motion, as well as loss of endurance and fine motor control[i].
Factors contributing to overuse injuries include, but not limited to, ergonomic errors and posture misalignment due to poor fit between instrument and musician, heavy instruments, as well as repetitive strain due to prolonged daily practice and/or performance[ii]. Massage therapy may target musician specific injuries by focusing on relaxing restrictive, overused muscles, enhancing circulation, and improving range of motion by increasing length of fascia and muscles, and breaking down adhesions[iii].
[i] Toledo SD, Nadler SF, Norris RN, et al. Sports and performing arts medicine. 5 issues relating to musicians. Archives of Phys Med and Rehab. 2004;85:72-74.
[ii] A review of the unique injuries sustained by musicians. J American Academy of Physician Assistants. 2008; 21(4): 45–52
[iii] Bell Jada. Massage therapy helps to increase range of motion, decrease pain, and assist in healing a client with low back pain and sciatica symptoms. J Bodywork and Movement. 2008;12:281-89.