Music-supported systematic treatment strategy for patients with executive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury: Similarities and divergencies in 7 case reports.


  • Berit Marie Dykesteen Vik University of Bergen, Norway.




This article explores what factors may predict a positive or negative outcome for cognitive enhancement and improved social behaviour after music-supported intervention for patients with cognitive and behavioural deficits following mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). 7 patients with executive dysfunction following mTBI participated in a music-based intervention. They were in a chronic phase and were either sicklisted or worked part-time. 6 out of 7 participants returned to work post-intervention. Results from neurophysiological tests and fMRI consolidated with enhanced cognitive performance and functional neuroplasticity in orbitofrontal cortex.  However, these result were based on quantitative analysis with mean effect and did not give specific information about similarities and divergencies between the participants which may have an impact on the final outcome. The present article applies a case-study methodology and explores behavioural data obtained from the study, not earlier published. This methodology  allows an in depth analyse of  clinical data, observational data during intervention and data from semi-structured interviews pre-post intervention. Aim of the present article is to develop a systematic treatment strategie of music training to improve cognitive and behavioral domains of functioning in patients with cognitive deficits following mTBI.

Author Biography

Berit Marie Dykesteen Vik, University of Bergen, Norway.

Department of Biological and Medical Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway.

Free lance PhD researcher



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