Academic Functioning of Slow Learners: A Therapeutic Music Intervention


  • Mamta Sharma PhD



The objective of the present research was to explore whether a music therapy program might influence academic functioning of slow learners. A total of 20 children identified as slow learners (12 boys and 8 girls), evaluated in key areas of learning (ie, reading, writing, mathematical ability and IQ) relative to their current level of functioning, as determined by the ‘‘Seguin Form Board’’ test and the ‘‘draw a man’’ test, served as participants in this study. Music therapy was provided for 2 months on working days (Monday toFriday)between10and11AM for45minutes.Independentassessorsevaluatedtheacademicfunctioningatthebeginningofthe therapy and at the end. A pre-post assessment design was adopted. Paired t test was used to assess the change in academic functioning in reading, writing, and mathematical abilities. Results indicated that the music therapy program implemented in this research improved academic functioning of the slow learners who participated in this study.

Author Biography

Mamta Sharma, PhD

Mamta Sharma, PhD, is an assistant professor of psychology. She has 12 years of experience in university teaching and research, has more than 20 national and international research publications, and has attended 30 national and international conferences. She is also the author of Stress to Resilience: A Passage Through Music.




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