Portraits of Music Therapy in Facilitating Relationship Completion at the End of Life


  • Amy Clements-Cortes PhD, MusM, MTA




This article describes a study that investigated the experience of 4 dying persons and their significant relationships, as they engaged in music therapy sessions designed with the goal of facilitating relationship completion. Multiple data sources informed the case studies and the themes that emerged for each case are presented. A cross-case analysis was performed, which incorporated a thematic analysis of participants’ experiences where 6 global themes were identified including love, loss, gratitude, growth/trans- formation, courage/strength, and good-bye. Results indicate that life review, song dedications, and the creation of musical gifts were a core part of each participant’s process. The article concludes with a summary, discussion, and implications for future research.


loss, love, palliative care, relationship completion, relationships

Author Biography

Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, MusM, MTA

Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, MusM, MTA is an assistant professor in music therapy at the University of Windsor. Her clinical areas of expertise are centered in long-term and palliative care.



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