Changing the Cadence from Military to Community through Music


  • Kevin R Reeder Central Arkansas Veterans healthcare System



PTSD symptoms among military veterans is a common response to traumatic events.  Diagnostic criteria for PTSD include intrusive, avoidant, negative cognitions and mood, and increased arousal symptoms.  Often these symptoms are associated with a sense of loss of personal control and a decreased ability to regulate physiologic, cognitive, and emotional responses to traumatic reminders.  In general, Emotional Processing Theory focuses on the negative triggers associated with PTSD and Broaden and Build theory focuses on the potential for positive triggers associated with resilience.  Music can be an effective medium for increasing a sense of personal control and impact physiologic (e.g., heart rate variability), cognitive, and emotional responses in the context of passive listening and/or active participation.  Examples of physiologic, cognitive, and emotional responses to music will be discussed.  In addition, clinical contexts (e.g., self-help, adjunctive treatment) will be presented in which music may assist military veterans in their response to traumatic events. 


Author Biography

Kevin R Reeder, Central Arkansas Veterans healthcare System

Clinical Psychologist, Mental Health Services



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