Clinical music study quality assessment scale (Musiquas) 1st edition
Publications in scientific journals have extensively used assessment scales to address methodological quality. So far there is no scale which assesses the quality of studies in the vast amount of music related sciences.
The clinical music study quality assessment scale (Musiquas) addresses this issue providing a 10-point rating scale. Studies are assessed on four general categories: Selection, Control criteria, Exposure and Outcome.
Musiquas is based on the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for assessing the quality of studies in meta-analyses and attuned by the authors to fit the demand of quality assessment in the wide array of clinical music studies.
A three round Delphi procedure as well as open online commentaries contributed to the creation of the assessment scale presented here.
Conclusively, this scale will contribute to higher quality methodologies in systematic reviews and meta analyses in music sciences and intervention research.
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