Modified Melodic Intonation Therapy for Acquired Non-Fluent Aphasia


  • Dwyer B Conklyn DBC3 Music Therapy LLC
  • Taylor A Rung Meehan DBC3 Music Therapy LLC



For decades Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) has shown good potential within the aphasia population, yet has seldom been used as a frontline treatment, rather placed within a myriad of treatment techniques utilized during aphasia therapy.  Debate continues regarding the mechanisms of change from MIT, both therapeutically and neurologically.  Modified Melodic Intonation Therapy (MMIT) has developed through the work of Music Therapists and, as the main focus of treatment for non-fluent aphasia, can be an effective means of language re-acquisition for improved speech production.  Clinical results from 7 clients with chronic non-fluent aphasia who received MMIT are discussed.

Author Biographies

Dwyer B Conklyn, DBC3 Music Therapy LLC

Dwyer Conklyn MM, MT-BC is the Owner of DBC3 Music Therapy LLC

Taylor A Rung Meehan, DBC3 Music Therapy LLC

Taylor Rung Meehan BA, MT-BC is a Music Therapist employed by DBC3 Music Therapy LLC.


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